Work Out Your Salvation

 In the verses leading up to today’s passage, we were told of the incredible humility our Savior exhibited by dying on the cross, His subsequent exaltation by the Father to the name (authority) above every other, and that every person who has ever lived and will live will one day bow to Him as King […]

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Striving Together For The Faith

As the world becomes more and more perverse each day, Christians must remain strong and united in the faith.  The call to live differently from the unsaved permeates the Bible.  God commanded His people, whether it be under the old covenant or the new covenant, to be separate – holy – from the world (cf: […]

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The Purpose of Work

Did you ever consider that God created work and labor for a specific purpose?   As the Apostle Paul laid out godly counsel to the Ephesian believers about how to rightly live as the body of Christ, he included the following admonition: He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with […]

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The Power At Work Within Us

As the Apostle Paul rounds out what we know as chapter 3 of Ephesians (fun fact: the first Bible to be versified was the Geneva translation in 1560), he continues his encouragement to the church with the pinnacle of his exhortation in this passage.  He writes: Now to Him who is able to do far […]

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